Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Eye Doctor

There isn't much that can be said beyond what Brian Regan has hilariously pointed out above. If you have ever been to the eye doctor, even only once, you'll laugh your ass off at this bit.

I hadn't been to the doctor in over 5 years, something I wouldn't recommend. I awoke last week and put my contacts in. By the time I got to work I wanted to rip my eye out of my head it hurt so bad. I took my contacts out and called the doctor and made an appointment. A few things about the eye doctor:

1) How is it possible that repeatedly shining bright lights in to your eyes is actually good for them? I told him the major problem I was having was that I was extremely sensitive to light. So first thing he does is shine the sun in my face.

2) Why is it necessary to have a collage of diseased eye posters spread throughout the office. Not only am I already completely uncomfortable having someone poke and prod at my eye, now I have to look at these? I want to vomit.

3) The doctor had a mirror that I had to look at, while behind me the letters displayed backwards. I saw them in the mirror correctly to try and read them. Not sure why.

4) You never tell the truth at the eye doctor, or any doctor for that matter. "Jay, how long do you usually wear your one month contacts?" I tell him rarely ever more than 5 weeks. Try 2-3 months.

They found a problem and I had an ulcer of the cornea. I was given drops which helped cleared it up. I am still in my glasses but should be back to contacts any day now.

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