Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The movies...

Sorry for the second blog posting in one day, but I had some stuff fresh on my mind and I am just lazy enough to not want to jot it down to save for another date.

I don't tend to go to the movie theaters much, I simply don't like people that I am not currently friends with when outside of a social atmosphere. I'll go to a bar with the opportunity of meeting a new friend, but a completely non-social event like a movie doesn't do it for me.

Do you know why I don't like people in non-social events? Because most of them are assholes.

You will notice most of my blogs will have lists. It's because I prefer lists. I don't like reading and I easily lose track during long, drawn out paragraphs.

Anyway, my movie theater list of annoyances:

1) The tickets - How necessary is it to have 2-3 separate ticket taking points during the process of seeing one movie? I purchase my ticket, then have to show it as I walk in (usually to the most homely non-social being working at the theater), and then finally some pimply faced kid who barely looks at the ticket and mutters under his breath, "Theater 3 to your left." Is this really needed? Tell you want, let me hand you money, you hand me a ticket and I go sit down. End of transaction.

2) The prices - Jesus H, could a simple time out at the movies cost anymore? Now the father of 2, a family of 4 costs anywhere between $40 - $100 to see some 1 and a half hour long shit fest that either has Samuel Jackson or Morgan Freeman in it. We took my daughter to see Tangled over the weekend and after 3 tickets, a medium popcorn and a medium drink, I about had to take out a second mortgage. And please stop trying to up sell me. I didn't choose a medium over a large because of the price, I chose it because I haven't found the need to eat 8 gallons of popcorn over the course of my lifetime, let alone in one sitting. "For a dollar more you can upgrade to a large ya fat ass." Does that mean for a dollar less I can downgrade to a small? How about that option?

3) The people - First off, you know what time the movie starts. Being there any later than 5 minutes prior to the start time (as listed on the ticket, not after previews you dolt) is completely unacceptable. It amazes me to see people walking in at 1:45 for a 1:30 movie with a group of 7 and they are so frustrated they can't find seats together. "Could you please move down one?" No, could you please get here on time? Seeing an "adult" movie is bad enough, but have you ever been to a kid's movie? "He/she's just a kid" is not an excuse for your child to act out and talk or be loud during a movie. You are an adult, act like one and take care of you child. Before the movie started we let our daughter know that we were at the movie and it was rude to talk. If she absolutely had to say anything, to whisper to us. Meanwhile she has to wonder why two a-hole 5 year olds in front of us are having a side conversation about God knows what. If your child acts up, remove them. Then see if they ever do that again.

4) The previews - I have the internet. I have for awhile now. If I want to watch a movie trailer, I can find it online in 1000 different places. There is no need for you to show me 18 of them before every film.

Anyway, you can see why we don't get out much! I'd much prefer to wait a few months and rent from Redbox for $1 and enjoy a movie from the comfort of my own home than deal with the prices and delinquents that come along with a trip to the movie theater.

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